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(GPS 54 45.938N 05 40.651W

The SS Chirripo, which was built in Belfast and acquired by Elders & Fyffes in 1906 as part of their fleet used in the banana trade.

It sank in 1917 off Black Head, Co Antrim, after it struck a UC-75 mine while outward-bound from Belfast. A UC-75 was a mine-laying submarine or U-boat in the German Imperial Navy during the first World War. There were no casualties.

The Elders and Fyffes cargo liner of over 4000 tons was torpedoed and sunk about 800m southeast of Black Head Lighthouse on the 28th December 1917. She is lying on her starboard side in 30m of water – 16m to the hand rail. She lies northwest-southeast direction and is a great dive for lobsters. The screw was raised in 1970. Best time to dive her is 1 hour before high or low water at Belfast. Boats can be launched at Whitehead up to 2 hours before and 2 hours after low water. Visibility can be up to 15m. Average 8–10m. An excellent dive for the more adventurous. Launching facilities at Whitehead up to 2 hours before or 2 hours after high water Belfast.

A Favourite site Of DCNI Boat dive Advanced open water Qualification Minimum Required.